How To Lose Weight Permanently
How To Lose Weight Permanently…. And Why Diets Won’t Work!!
Over the next few pages I am going to outline ten key weight loss and dieting myths and provide you with the tools to make a permanent and healthy change to your lifestyle. This is a sample of the full report that can be downloaded free, by clicking the link at the end of this article.
Now if you’re reading this, then it is more than likely that you have struggled with your weight in the past or maybe you just have this feeling that you are not achieving your true potential. It is also quite likely that you have tried a number of diets…. and guess what, I bet they all worked initially, before the weight went back on again.
So, let me start by asking a few simple questions:
Are you sick of diets that don’t work or leave you feeling tired, hungry and stressed?
Are you tired of being lied to by the diet industry?
Have you joined a gym and found the long bouts of “cardio” exercise boring and ineffective?
Are you tired of being made to feel lazy or a failure, because you can’t shift the weight?
Tried for years to get rid of your post pregnancy weight and given up? Sorry, girls question only.
Do you want someone you can trust to guide you through the mass of confusing and conflicting exercise and nutrition advice, someone who can provide you with daily support and knowledge?
I think I probably know your answer to every one of these questions. I’ve been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years and at times I would have answered YES to many of these questions. Is it really any wonder given how much conflicting information there is out there. So please take the time to read on and let me share some incredible weight loss information with you. This information can literally change your life… and your health.
Now before I share the secrets of lasting weight loss, let me share with you a little bit about myself. I have been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years and in that time I have worked with many clients, helping them to achieve their weight loss goals. For the last ten years I have been the owner of a number of fitness clubs and I have had the opportunity to observe and test what works and what does not. I have watched people spend literally hours in the gym on treadmills, bikes and steppers, but with little results. While I have observed others, whose shape changes dramatically within months and the fat appears to melt away. I have spent years studying and testing the diets and exercises that are available. The systems I have developed are simple and effective. They require discipline and change but I can guarantee clients results.
I am not trying to push you into buying anything! This guide is primarily designed to be informative. If all you do is read and react to the information provided here you will have the power to change your lifestyle and gain lasting results from your exercise and nutrition. However if you feel you need the support and guidance to help put these changes into effect, I can offer a powerful and proven solution to your weight loss.
Download the full report for free to find out how these ten weight loss secrets that can help transform your health and your shape…..permanently.
Weight Loss Secret No.1 - All diets work!
Weight Loss Secret No.2 - Long bouts of cardio exercise are not the most effective way to shift fat
Weight Loss Secret No.3 - There is no magic pill or powder to make you thin
Weight Loss Secret No.4 - Sit ups won’t get rid of your belly fat
Weight Loss Secret No.5 – Simply cutting your calorie intake will not help you lose fat long term
Weight Loss Secret No.6 - Eating after 6pm will not make you fat
Weight Loss Secret No.7 - Focus on nutrient rich foods
Weight Loss Secret No.8 - A low fat diet will not make you thin
Weight Loss Secret No.9 - You need a long term strategy for success
Weight Loss Secret No.10 - Intensity and Progression are key to exercise and fat loss
I’ll share with you an old Indian proverb, that another presenter once used and it has stuck with me.
“It’s not what you don’t know that makes you stupid, it’s what you know you know”
Essentially what this is saying is that you must empty your mind of all the stuff you already feel you know about weight loss, before you can make room for new ideas. To put it another way, you’ve probably heard the following expression;
“Stupidity is to keep doing the same thing over and over, yet expect a different result.”
If you have been on a cycle of dieting and struggled with your weight, do you still think you’re going to succeed by following the same methods?
What you need is a strategy that supports a lifestyle change. A strategy that provides you with encouragement and advice every day. A strategy that will advise you what exercise works, exercise that will help to melt the fat from your body. A strategy that gives you the nutritional advice you need to start enjoying healthy food again.
A strategy, which if followed, will not allow you to fail!
There is no magic pill or new fitness gizmo that will get you fit and toned. The only way you will achieve this is through commitment, to regular exercise and a nutritious diet. However there is lots of conflicting information out there and many blind alleys to choose from.
The bottom line is that, despite all of the confusing and conflicting information on weight loss and diet, I don’t think we’re really as confused as we believe we are. I think we instinctively know when something is right or wrong for our body.
Download this full report absolutely FREE to find out more! Simply click the link below.