Soul Boutique & The Capone Rooms
Soul Boutique studios is located on the second floor of Active247 Luton. They specialise in hair, unisex clothing and mixtape music.
Soul Boutique believe that looking your best and feeling your best is key with health being first. Feeling good is essential and that’s why people use the gym, get there hair done maybe go shopping, check out the latest fashion and listen to music.
At Soul Boutique in association with young emerging arts will offer hair by day from 10am till 5pm and a studio recording service in the the evening from 5pm till 11pm. Hair services include trims, skin fade, taper fade, shape up, cut & dye, cut wash & blow dry, Hair treatments, beard trims, designs, patterns and perms.
Their Young Emerging arts include song writing and melodic training, sound recording, music production, mixing, mastering, media and video editing. Please click on the link below to email them for quotes on the above. All Active Fitness Club Members will receive a 20% discount on all services.