Why wait to start your Active Coach journey?
The focus of Active Coach is to provide our clients with support, motivation and accountability to ensure that getting active is fun and provides the results they are seeking. The truth is that most of us join a gym because they no longer get much activity in their daily lives and and recognise the need to be healthier, more energetic and to feel more positive about the way they look. Modern life places increasing demands on our time, the consequence being that exercise and a healthy diet are often forgotten.
Taking the first step in the hardest
Once you get started, it is all about learning to enjoy the journey, because there really is no final destination.
Joining a gym should not be a substitute for a more active and healthy lifestyle, it should support and promote it. Active Coach is designed for people who are prepared to commit to improving themselves and enjoy the challenge of new goals. It is not for those people that want to want to “talk the talk”, it is designed for those that are willing to “walk the walk”.
If you are ready to experience the renewed joy of movement, the pleasant sense of achievement after a workout and enjoy some of the immediate other benefits, such as greater energy, better sleep and reduced stress will, then why continue to put off the decision to start your Active Coach journey?
Don’t wait for another day to start living a healthier life. The time will never be right; there will always be demands on your time, pressing deadlines, busy households, and school holidays. Make activity a part of your life, that you do for YOU; not something that you fit in around everything and everybody else. The reality is that your life and those loved ones in your life will all benefit from your decision to prioritise YOU for once.
Martin Luther once said; How soon ‘not now’ becomes ‘never’
A healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be a chore and it does not have to take up all your time. Changes won’t occur overnight, they have to be earned, but through your effort, they will be all the sweeter and more likely to last.
A Buddhist teaching sums this up; Little by little, one walks far
Active Coach provides the supportive atmosphere, the knowledge and the experience to help you succeed. Whether your goal is fat loss, improved tone, muscular development, or simply to feel better than you do now, we can make this a reality.
It is very cheap and easy to join a gym now, but it is far hard to turn that into a lasting habit that produces the results you are after. That is where Active Coach is so different. If you are still not convinced, try our no-obligation 30-day trial to experience how different Active Coach is from simply “joining the gym”.